Roaches in Your Water

I hate roaches. Like, “hate hate” them. I get hysterical when I encounter them. 

One weekend, Dustin and I took a trip to Louisiana to visit my family. We stayed at my aunt’s house. Now, my aunt is getting up in age. She’s actually my mom’s aunt. She’s not married, no kids, etc. I say this to help you understand that her house is quiet mostly and some rooms don’t get explored often. 

So Dustin and I arrive to her house late one night, tired from a day of traveling. We unpack a little and I decide to go take a bath in the back room’s bathroom. 

I get the water all nice and steamy. I have my towel ready. My pjs are all set up. My nighttime regime awaits. 

I start using the running water to wash my face. It feels nice after a long day. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I see two little hair looking things coming out of the bathtub faucet. ITS NOT HAIR. It’s a roach’s antennae. 

Y’all. My spirit left my body. 

I have never hoped out of a tub of water so fast in my whole life. 

My skin is crawling typing this. 

Every germ, bacteria, EVERYTHING from that roach was being passed from that water onto my body!! 

Screaming bloody murder, halfway wrapped in a towel, I ran across the house to the other bathroom. 

Now. What did we learn? CHECK YOUR TUB FAUCETS PEOPLE. Hahaha.

But seriously. 

What roaches are you letting contaminate your water? Some of you are so distracted  that you aren’t noticing them.  

One early morning, I was walking to my break-room (outside mind you) at the airport and a roach crawled out right in front of me and stopped dead in its tracks! So I stopped. I looked down at the thing and yelled out loud “Nope! Not today! Git!” Passer-biers looked at me like I was insane. But I wasn’t playing with that roach. I had to assert my authority!

Some of you have roaches in your path and you aren’t asserting your authority over them. 

They’re negative. They’re discouraging. They keep you from getting closer to Jesus. Maybe they’re people. Maybe it’s music you listen to or tv shows you watch. The list could go on and on. Is anything coming to your mind right now? That could be your roach! 

Your water is a place of cleansing. A place where you’re safe to be vulnerable. Yes, I’m comparing taking a bath to being in the presence of the Lord. Your intimate time with Him, where spiritual waters rush over you. 

I know that sounds kinda intense. Sometimes it can be. 

Your “back bathroom” is like your surroundings. That roach had to get foot (or whatever) in the door in order to get into your water. 


Take authority! Your God-given authority. You are chosen. You are anointed. You are appointed. You are called. You are holy. You are bold. 

You ain’t gotta be messin with them roaches!! 

Luke 10:19 ESV

“Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.”

Matthew 18:18-20 ESV 

“Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”

Speak up. Scatter the roaches. Claim your tub water! Assert your God-given authority. Your relationship with Jesus is the most important relationship in your life and you can’t allow anything to distract you from it.