Someone Else

If not you, Who? 

This is a question that haunts me. The answer is chilling. 

I used to think that there were people in the world that only we could reach for Jesus. Like each person was individually assigned x amount of specific people to lead to Christ and disciple. Where I got that notion from? I’m honestly not sure. I think it was a childhood notion that didn’t get corrected until later due to lack of communication. 

One day I sat in a sermon, where or when I’m not sure, but someone spoke on our gifts and talents and passions and how it was no mistake that we were entrusted with them. They spoke on the people who surround us and our ability to reach them for the cause of Christ. Then they asked this question “If you don’t do it, who will?” Shortly after, the answer followed: someone else. 
I was shook.

Jesus loves us. Jesus wants to use each of us in great and mighty ways.  But here’s the thing: Jesus needs willing vessels, not just willing in word but willing in action. If you don’t tune in to Holy Spirit and obey what it tells you to do, someone else will. Someone else will preach, someone else will tithe that money, someone else will pray for that person, etc. 

God’s works and wonders will still be done, but you’ll be left with a spiritual shelf filled with dusty gifts and missed opportunity. 

That’s sad. 

Do you want to live your life constantly looking back and thinking what if? No! 

Don’t let someone else live out your calling because you’re tired or scared or because you feel less than. Take heart! Be brave! Listen to what Jesus is calling you to do and be willing not only in word but in action.