Grown Up

I was scrolling on Facebook the other morning and came across a post written by a mother, explaining how she had made a promise to her baby that she would always come when the child cried out. As I read through the post I thought about my own baby. Being a new parent is hard. Tiny humans are needy and for awhile their only form of communication is crying. Sometimes I try to wait it out for a little bit when Ryann cries - just to see if she’ll settle it out herself. But more often than not she doesn’t and I stop whatever I’m doing to scoop her up in my arms and give her whatever she needs. 

After I finish reading the post, I sat on my couch holding Ry. God spoke to me and said “You love her very much. This is how my love is for you, as you are my child. Have you gotten so ‘grown’ that you have forgotten your child-likeness in your faith?” 

I have always struggled when it comes to trusting God. For some reason, in my brain I find it difficult to accept that God isn’t human and He will never let me down. Yet time and time again He proves to me His faithfulness. He does not withhold anything good from me. He always provides. 

Jesus doesn’t wait a little bit to see if we will settle out things ourselves. He doesn’t believe in the “cry it out” method. He scoops you up before you are even a thought on this earth and never puts you back down. The only way you get out of His arms is if you crawl out of them. Jesus is holding you before you cry out. He is with you in the muck of it all. He is with you in the celebration of victory as you overcome the world through Him. 

Most of you who are reading this are probably parents yourself. You would do almost anything for your babies, right? I know I would. Fur babies included! Imagine how Jesus feels. His love is the purest. And you are HIS baby! 

Don’t get so grown up that you forget your child like faith. Don’t forget that you are His baby. Allow Him to cradle you in His arms and be your father. Release your worry and trust in His goodness.

John 1:12 • Galatians 3:26 • Romans 8:16