Journey Church ATX

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Yesterday was my last day at the job I’ve had since I moved to Austin. It was a bittersweet feeling to leave. The people I worked with are great and the work was relatively easy, but life changes have caused me to have different needs regarding work. 

Honestly I could’ve left my job and found something “better” a long time ago. After thinking about it, I realized that I had stayed so long because I was comfortable. I only left when I was forced to by my circumstances. 

What are you holding onto because it is comfortable? 

Our desire to remain comfortable is what prevents from growth. It stunts us. 

My challenge to you is to get uncomfortable! 

Pray longer today than you normally do.

Or randomly ask someone at the store if you can pray for them.

Give that homeless man a meal and a Bible.

Go to that spin class that you’re scared to go to because you’re insecure about your body. 

Reach out and make a new friend. 

Trust me, I’m preaching to the choir. I’m full of excuses. I’m full of fear and anxiety. 

But as my Nana would say, those are bad confessions. Our words have power. Our thoughts have power. 

So speak life over yourself. Claim your bravery, your boldness until it is yours. Practice it until it becomes your new normal and you see the growth from it. & Remain in prayer throughout the process. 

Philippians 1:6 “being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

This scripture speaks on our spiritual journey. It never ends. It’s a seed that is planted and receives water and sunlight and fertilizer until it sprouts and then goes on to continue in growth “until the day of Christ Jesus.”

Don’t stay comfortable. 

Don’t stop growing. 

“Leave what you’re holding (onto) to go forth and find all that is waiting, when you leave what’s behind.”