Journey Church ATX

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What You Want

There are things we need and then there are things we think we need. There are things we want and things we think we want. Knowing the difference between these can be difficult at times. Lately I find myself continuously praying, asking God to move in situations in my life or for Him to help me attain certain things that I desire. 

When I don’t see immediate change, I find it so easy to get overwhelmed, frustrated, and impatient. I easily forget that I don’t know it all. It’s hard for me to remember that Jesus sees more than I ever will. He knows me better than I will ever know myself. 

Therefore, sometimes, I am wrong. I don’t need what I think I do. I don’t actually want what I think I want. Yet, I can’t see that. All I can feel is my desire for said thing and it clouds my judgement. It prevents me from remembering that God’s timing is best. 

Nobody likes to hear “no” or “wait.” They’re hardly anyone’s favorite words. Yet sometimes, they’re the best words for you to hear! Every “no” you are told is bringing you one step closer to the “yes” you’re praying for. Every moment you wait, brings you closer to the moment of change in your situation that you’ve prayed for.

Trust that God has your best interest at heart. Not always getting what we think is best for us, can lead to us receiving the blessing that IS the best thing for us. And in the meantime, let His peace rule over you! Try to keep Him at the center, rather than focusing on the “no” or “wait” or the thing you think you want.