Journey Church ATX

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A Penny in a Shoe

Yesterday, I was sitting on my bed having some Jesus time and (randomly) out of the corner of my eye I saw a penny in my shoe. 

A penny is worth one cent. That isn’t much in our world. You have to have a bunch of pennies to make a dollar and even then the likelihood of you finding something you can buy with that is slim. Most people just disregard pennies or throw them in a jar and let them collect dust. But as I was staring at that penny in my shoe, thinking about how it was worth only one cent, Jesus reminded me that He leaves the flock to find the one. 

You may think you are just one penny in a world full of quarters but to Jesus you are everything. You are the one He desires. 

Because this penny was in my shoe, it got me thinking about feet. Back in Jesus’s day, they didn’t have shoes and most people walked practically everywhere - making feet REALLY dirty. That’s why it was such a big deal when people washed another’s feet. 

I know this is getting far fetched, but stay with me. It was almost like Jesus was saying, “Look Kate, I know you feel like you’re worth as much as this penny right now and your “feet” are too dirty for me to wash, but to me you were worth my life and my blood that can remove any “stain.”

I heard a song the other day that said “I am washed, I am drenched in the blood” and it stuck with me - particularly the word drenched. 

Drenched means “to thoroughly soak.”

To soak means “to allow something to become thoroughly wet by immersing it in liquid.” Immerse is basically another word for submerge and to submerge means to “completely cover or obscure.” You following me? The word “obscure” means “not discovered or known about.” 

Did you get that? Jesus drenches us, spiritually of course, in His blood to the point that our sins are not discovered or known about. It’s like they never even existed to Him. All He sees is His beloved. 

You may feel like a rusty penny in a world of quarters. Unwanted. Disregarded. Worthless. But to Jesus, you are shiny, new, and priceless. Let Him wash your feet. Allow yourself to take on the title of “worthy” because that’s what He calls you!