Journey Church ATX

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World Changer

Would you describe yourself as a world changer?

In college (I went to bible school), we used this term all the time in hashtags or casually in conversation. I never thought entirely about the weight that the term carried with it. 

World changer. As in your existence somehow effects the world in such a way that it is changed. Or rather, in your surrender, God uses your existence to change the world by glorifying His name.


When I graduated college and entered the “real world” again, being a world changer seemed impossible. It became easy to lose the heart and fire I once had. Thoughts of doubt and discouragement came flooding in. “I am only one person.” “Who would listen to me?” “What’s the point anymore?” I felt overwhelmed and defeated. 

God began speaking to me, gently nudging me to change my perspective. Instead of focusing on how I was going to change THE world, I needed to understand how to change MY world first. If I started with myself, it would radiate onto others in my life. Kinda like a yawn. He also reminded me of His heart for the one and how I should reflect that in myself and how I live. If the purpose of my whole life was only to lead one person to Jesus, to show one person love, then it had to be worth it. 

We don’t need to have thousands of followers on our blogs or millions of people who love it when we sing. We need to see people changed by the rawness of the gospel. Of course, it is always said that if your dreams don’t scare you then they aren’t big enough. I fully support that. God calls us to do big things at times, that can involve great numbers of people. But our focus shouldn’t be on the magnitude of which we are operating, it should be focused towards the why. 

So don’t get discouraged if only three people come to your bible study or listen when you preach. That’s three lives that God is using you to make an impact in. That’s three souls, three worlds, forever changed. 

Have you ever heard of the domino effect? It’s explained best by lining up dominoes and then hitting one over. This domino falls and hits another domino, which falls onto another domino, and before you know it all of the dominos in the line have fallen over. In your world, you may only reach a few people for the cause of Christ. But those people will go on to be used by God in other people’s lives and so on and so forth.

You don’t have to be Beyoncé to change the world. All you need to do is be faithful in what God is calling you to do.