Journey Church ATX

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Post Christmas: UNWRAPPED

I feel as though I have Christmas whiplash. I mean it came and left so fast. I’m kinda sad its already over! Christmas is my favorite holiday. With the lights and hot coco, the music and presents - it’s just a great time. However, it’s also an easy season to get lost in the excitement of everything. They don’t say “Jesus is the reason for the season” for nothing! Sometimes we all need a little reminder to put our priorities in check. 

While I love the suspense of unwrapping a gift on Christmas Day just as much as the next guy, it’s important to remember the ultimate gift - the birth of Jesus. What’s cool is that not only did Jesus come to pay the ultimate price for our sins, but He kept giving past His death and resurrection. Honestly, if Jesus wanted to He could’ve just stopped after He rose again. He could’ve packed up shop and left a note saying, “My work is done here, good luck!” But HE DIDN’T! In His love, He sent His Holy Spirit to be with us. He continues to give us gifts daily, not just on Christmas. 

This past month Pastor Michael (ft Mel) unwrapped a few of the gifts Jesus continues to give us. Today, I have a little recap for you guys of our most recent sermon series: UNWRAPPED. 

Part 1: JOY

Mel graced our stage at Journey Church and spoke on the gift of Joy that Jesus gives us. “We are joyful because we are His!” Christ came to give us joy that is complete, it is the earmark to the kingdom of God - our inheritance, our promise. However, joy is choice! 

Part 2: PEACE 

John 16:33

God promises us peace, not the absence of pressure. We have to remember to ask God for help in times where we are having difficulty. Sometimes peace isn’t a feeling, but rather a knowing that God’s got you. 

Part 3: LOVE 

John 11:1-5    Psalms 3:3

The gospel is purely God loving man, relentlessly and overwhelmingly. It’s so easy to humanize God and shrink His love down to our level. But Gods love is a love that goes deeper and wider than we will truly ever comprehend. 

Part 4: THE GIFT 

Wonderful Counselor/Prince of Peace 

Isaiah 9:6

Wonderful Counselor 

pele’: beyond understanding; too wonderful for words 

ya’ats: to advise or guide

Healing with the Wonderful Counselor:

  1. Be brutally honest 

  2. Listen to God

  3. Do what He tells you to do 

Prince of Peace

sar: Lord 

shalom: wholeness; complete 

Sar Shalom is the peace who:

Comforts you 

Who saves you 

God’s gifts to us are always available. Receive all that He has for you daily! Don’t allow circumstance or emotions distract you from your blessings, your birthright, your inheritance in the Kingdom. You are worthy of these because He calls you worthy! Nothing you do, say, or feel could ever change that. 

Christmas might be over but you’ve still got plenty of gifts to unwrap.