Journey Church ATX

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Like Mary

I recently saw a photo on Facebook of Eve and Mary. Eve was holding a apple in one hand and a serpent was wrapped around her leg. Mary had taken Eve’s hand and rested on her pregnant belly so she could feel little baby Jesus kick. I’ve forgotten what the original poster had written to go along with the photo, but seeing it again inspired me. It got me thinking about the Holy Spirit and how it impregnates us.

Now, dont go and freak out on me. I HIGHLY doubt any of us will be carrying another baby conceived by the Holy Spirit EVER again. I’m talking about a different kind of baby. 

The word impregnate can mean “to imbue with feelings or qualities.” If you’re anything like me, you have no idea what the word “imbue” means. Don’t worry, I got you. Imbue means “to inspire or permeate with.” Looking up the word permeate led me to another word - pervade, which means to “spread through and be perceived in every part of.” I just think that’s so cool. Jesus uses the Holy Spirit to inspire our spirits, to plant little seeds of visions and dreams that permeate and can be perceived in every bit of us.

He gives us qualities and gifts that will assist us in seeing what He’s planted within us to fruition. The best part about all of this, which is also my biggest point today, is that the things that the Holy Spirit impregnates us with are tools that the Lord will use to lead others to Him. Baby Jesus grew up to crush the head of the serpent that tempted Eve. The dream in your soul, the vision you can’t shake, the little voice in the back of your mind telling you to start doing that talent you quit again, your faithfulness in doing those things that the Holy Spirit is calling you to will be instrumental in leading others to accept the forgiveness of Christ. It could also be the thing that helps others learn to let Jesus crush the head of the serpent in their life. 

I know it can be scary at times. Dreams aren’t called God-sized for nothing and having something that seems so huge and impossible planted in your soul with the expectation of you nurturing and growing it can seem absolutely mad. Yet, the Bible says to not fear. God calls you by name. He sent the Holy Spirit to impregnate you with such things because He knows in your weakness He is made strong. In your faithfulness He can be seen. He will show up and show out, always. 

Even the tiniest of seeds can grow into a huge plant  under the right conditions. But guess what - those plants often bear fruit. Don’t let your fears keep you from shining light on, watering, and feeding the seed that the Holy Spirit has dropped in your Spirit. There are people in this world that need so desperately for your seeds to sprout, grow big and strong, and bear fruit. Fruit is eaten. Fruit gives nourishment. Fruit makes disciples. 

However, it can take time. Mary had to wait nine months to give birth to Jesus. Sometimes we have to wait even longer  than that to live in the day where our dreams and visions are a reality, other times we never see that day but are instead a stepping stone for others to come forth and be inspired by us and see our dreams to completion. 

Luke 1:38 

Mary answered, “I am the Lord’s servant. Let everything you’ve said happen to me.”

This was Mary’s response when the angel, Gabriel, came to her and told her she would be with child. Her only question asked was how it would happen since she was a virgin. No “why me’s” or “I can’t do it.” It was, thy will be done. Mary trusted in the Lord. We should be more like Mary. Reflect today on what the Holy Spirit has dropped in your soul. What dreams, visions, desires, talents, etc are just waiting to be birthed? What needs nourishment? Seek out the Lord and allow Him to speak into those depths of your soul that carry such things. Be patient. Be willing. Don’t loose heart, but instead be refreshed by the goodness of God. He has chosen you, entrusted you with a mission all of your own, with a heart for the people that are His own.